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FTG Online Job Fairs – No CV? No Problem!
Direct contact with top employers, Guaranteed interview, no CV required…
Whether you’ve just started considering your transition out of military service, or you’ve taken the plunge and are into your last few months of service, then FTG Job Fairs are a ‘must’ for you.
Every month we invite up to 12 great employers to give you a 10min presentation on their organisation and the careers currently available with them. The presentations are fast paced to maintain interest. A short, live Q&A immediately after their presentation allows you to get the answers you need, or you can directly message an employer during or after their presentation. If you are interested in a particular employers opportunity – simply direct message them and ask for an interview. IT’S THAT EASY!
Very few exhibiting employers will present at consecutive Job Fairs, so make sure you book into as many as possible throughout the year, to hear fresh opportunities from new exhibiting employers. Don’t forget, some employers will be prepared to offer you a career even if you have 12 months until your leave date, so don’t be afraid to ask.
Book your place at the next job fair HERE.
You might already know that the Forces Transition Group, run as a free service by forces veteran, John Stephenson, supports in-service and service leavers to transition smoothly into ‘civvy street’ and avoid all the pitfalls that have beset our forces colleagues in the past. If you need help with your CV, linked-in profile and how to build your network and personal brand, financial planning just get in touch with me directly here. Our advice and guidance is free of charge.
Select an online Job Fair below to book your place now!
More Great Offerings From Forces Transition Group…
Forces Transition Group Transition Day
Live April 9th 2024 at the Cheltenham Town Hall
A Live interactive session where you'll have the opportunity to learn tools and techniques to best prepare you for your upcoming interview and gain real experience via our hot seat where you'll be placed in a mock interview scenario and answer questions in front of others. Nothing prepares you like reality!
LinkedIn Masterclass
Learning outcomes:
- How to navigate LinkedIn and find potential career paths
- Guidance on how to enhance your LinkedIn Profile to get you noticed
- Looking at your transferable skills and how to translate them
- Connection strategies, who should you connect with and how do you
grow that link into a powerful connection - How to use your personal network to grow your career
The Hunters Club
The Hunters Club is designed around the Transition Curve, it’s a low-key cup of coffee to allow any issues to surface and those attending to discuss current problems being faced, within a safe environment.
It’s no holds barred, any points can be raised and there will be a special guest or two, to add value to everything that is discussed.
FAQs for Hunters
Do I need a CV for the Forces Transition Group job fair?
No – you can attend even if you have not got around to sorting out your CV. You will still be able to interact directly with potential employers during the job fair.
(Top Tip – it’s always a good idea to get your CV prepared anyway. If you need help with this just get in touch with us here)
I cannot make the online Jobs Fair, will it be repeated?
Not exactly – we try to make each job fair fresh and exciting by showcasing new employers that have not exhibited before, so only a handful of key exhibitors are invited to return. Some exhibitors choose to have their presentation permanently on the job fairs website so you can return anytime to view those.
I've already left the forces, can I attend the job fair?
Yes, if you ever served within the forces, this is for you.
Can I attend the job fair if I have not started my transition?
Yes you can – many ‘in-service’ Forces personnel attend our job fairs as it helps them identify career paths that they may not have thought of.